Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the Council of the University of California Staff Assemblies, hereinafter referred to as the Council.
ARTICLE II – Mission and Constituency
- In support of the mission of the University of California it is the purpose of the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) to maintain and enhance communication within and across the University Community on matters of interest to staff employees in accordance with California laws and Regental policy.
- The constituency of the Council is understood to be staff employees of the University of California. The Council is involved in matters of interest and concern to those who are not exclusively represented and may address matters not within the scope of representation for those exclusively represented.
- This mission is accomplished by:
- Providing a forum where University staff may discuss university related issues of mutual interest.
- Providing information and staff perspective to the administration and others on policies, processes, or other matters of mutual interest.
- Fostering respect, communication, and collaboration among staff and other members of the University community.
ARTICLE III – Membership
- Section 1
- Membership of the Council shall consist of the Chair, the Chair Elect, the Operations Officer, and two elected delegates from the designated staff group on each campus, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), UC Agriculture & Natural Resources, and the Office of the President. All officers and delegates to the Council must be exclusively non-represented staff.
- Section 2
- Individuals may be appointed for specified terms as Ex Officio members of the Council. Appointment or termination of Ex Officio members shall be by majority vote of the Council.
- At least 51% of the voting membership of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business before the Council. Unless otherwise specified, voting results shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast.
Article V – Voting
- Each campus, LBNL, UC ANR and the Office of the President shall cast two (2) votes.
- The Chair Elect, Operations Officer, and Immediate Past Chair shall each cast one (1) vote.
- If only one representative from a location is present, that location retains the right to two (2) votes.
- An Ex Officio member shall not vote on matters before the Council.
ARTICLE VI – Officers
- Section 1
- The officers of the Council shall be the Chair, Chair Elect, Operations Officer, and Immediate Past Chair. The term of office for Chair, Chair Elect, and Immediate Past Chair shall be one (1) year commencing on July 1 of each year, or until successors have been elected. The term of the Operations Officer shall be two years, commencing on July 1 of the first year of their term, or until successors have been elected. A Vice Chair is elected in case of death, resignation, or removal of the current Chair and where the Chair Elect needs to assume the Chair position. The Vice Chair shall serve until June 30. Under no circumstances shall a Chair serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
- The term of each officer is from July 1-June 30.
- Section 2
- The Council shall elect the Chair Elect and Operations Officer from its membership. Candidates must have served as a member of the Council for at least one (1) year prior to the period of service as an officer unless the requirement is specifically waived by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Council. Individuals shall not serve as officers and campus delegates simultaneously.
- Section 3
- The Chair Elect shall assume the office of Chair at the end of their term or when a Vice Chair needs to be elected.
- Section 4
- A vacancy in the office of the Chair-Elect, Operations Officer, or Immediate Past Chair may be filled by an election of the Council. In such circumstances, the remaining CUCSA officers shall propose replacement(s) from a pool of prior CUCSA Delegates or Officers and will be appointed pending majority support from a vote of the General Council. Vacancies in the role of Immediate Past Chairs must be filled by candidates who previously served as Chair of CUCSA.
- Section 5
- An officer of the Council may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote of no confidence by the Council.
- Section 6
- The duties of the Chair shall be to:
- Preside at all regular and special meetings of the Council.
- In consultation with the Chair Elect and the Operations Officer, appoint committees as specified in Article VIII of these Bylaws.
- In consultation with host campus’ delegates, set agendas for all Council meetings.
- Ensure that the quarterly CUCSA meetings are planned in accordance with these bylaws.
- Attend Regents’ meetings.
- Meet and communicate regularly with UCOP administration.
- Ensure the implementation of the priorities of the Council.
- Ensure that final workgroup reports are completed by the workgroups by June 30.
- Ensure that systemwide committee engagements are updated by June 30.
- The duties of the Chair shall be to:
- Section 6.a
- The Chair becomes the Immediate Past Chair upon the completion of their term as Chair and remains in the new role for one year. The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as a member of the Executive Board and is responsible for the following:
- Ensure that workgroup reports are given to the new executive team by August 31.
- Present the CUCSA annual report at the Regents’ meeting in July.
- Have a final meeting with the UC President to review CUCSA goals and introduce new leadership.
- Turn over any actionable items to the incoming Chair.
- Complete the Chair’s report by August 31.
- Provide historical and policy guidance to the Executive Board and Council as requested through means that include (but are not limited to) meetings, consultations and communication via modern technology.
- Attend the first CUCSA quarterly meeting of each year.
- Assist in communications and outreach with each location’s past CUCSA delegates.
- Serve as Chair of the Past Chairs Council which consists of past CUCSA Chairs and should meet at least once every three months.
- The Chair becomes the Immediate Past Chair upon the completion of their term as Chair and remains in the new role for one year. The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as a member of the Executive Board and is responsible for the following:
- Section 7
- The duties of the Chair Elect shall be to:
- Perform the duties of the Chair in the absence, or at the delegation of the Chair, in accordance with these Bylaws.
- Manage the financial affairs of the Council.
- Consult with the Chair and the Operations Officer on the appointment of committee members as specified in Article VIII of these Bylaws.
- Attend Regents’ meetings.
- Serve as Policy and Procedure Coordinator.
- Serve as liaison with external committee members.
- Identify priorities for the Council in consultation with the Chair and Operations Officer.
- The duties of the Chair Elect shall be to:
- Section 8
- The duties of the Operations Officer shall be to:
- Serve appropriate notice for all Council meetings as specified in Article IX of these Bylaws.
- Record and distribute minutes and meeting summaries of all proceedings.
- Consult with the Chair and the Chair Elect, on the appointment of committee members as specified in Article VIII of these Bylaws.
- Oversee the Internal Operations workgroup:
- Tracking and documentation of the priorities of the Council.
- Assisting workgroups with electronic data needs.
- Managing the CUCSA website.
- Managing the CUCSA social media imprint.
- Updating CUCSA historical information as needed, including presenting materials and reports for storage on the designated archival medium.
- Turn over any actionable items, provide position overview and training to the incoming Operations Officer.
- Post the minutes and necessary reports from the prior year by September 30.
- The duties of the Operations Officer shall be to:
ARTICLE VII – Delegates
- Section 1
- Each participating UC location will send two delegates to participate in the Council. Each UC location shall name its delegates by June 1. The term of office shall be two (2) years. Each year will commence on July 1.
- Section 2
- Locations should send delegates that demonstrate the following attributes:
- Broad knowledge of UC and location.
- Broad knowledge of staff and staff issues.
- Demonstrated strong communication and analytical skills.
- Ability to consider and speak to issues from various perspectives.
- Commitment to attend and participate fully in quarterly CUCSA meetings and engage in additional committee related meetings and activities as required.
- Section 3
- The duties of the delegates shall include:
- Attend all official functions of CUCSA meetings.
- Serve as conduit between CUCSA and the local staff association.
- Actively participate on a minimum of one committee or workgroup involving significant work between quarterly CUCSA meetings.
- Actively participate in writing the final report of the committee or workgroup.
- Serve as the Chair or Vice Chair of a committee or work group if selected for that role.
- The duties of the delegates shall include:
- Section 4
- If a delegate fails to fulfill their duties as a delegate, the officers of the Council will work with the individual delegate to resolve any impediments to fulfilling these duties. If a mutual resolution cannot be attained, the officers may find alternative solutions that may include a request to the delegate’s location to replace the delegate. If a delegate steps down, the officers may make a request to the delegate’s location to replace the delegate or the officers may find an alternative solution.
ARTICLE VIII – Committees, Work Groups and Special Appointments
- Section 1 – Appointment
- The Chair, in consultation with the Chair Elect and the Operations Officer, shall appoint members to committees and work groups and appoint a chair. Whenever possible the Council should also be consulted.
- Section 2 – Internal Committees
- An internal committee is one that is appointed by the Council from among its membership to fulfill a charge designated by the Council. Committees in this category include:
- Standing committees are focused on topics that continue for multiple years, set annual objectives, and mark progress with formal annual reports.
- Work groups assignments extend for a full year producing a final report at year end.
- Ad hoc committees whose charge is limited in scope and whose task may be completed in shorter timeframes resulting in work products such as position papers or special reports.
- Committee chairs are expected to organize the work of the committee, delegate assignments to members, monitor progress, and assist with strategies for achieving goals. Chairs are responsible for ensuring that high quality final reports are completed in a timely manner. They are also responsible for mentoring the vice chair (if elected) and for assisting committee members in overcoming obstacles to completing assignments. Additionally, committee chairs serve as a liaison with CUCSA officers apprising them of committee progress and informing them of issues and concerns.
- Each internal committee is responsible to the Council and is obligated to report its actions in writing.
- An internal committee is one that is appointed by the Council from among its membership to fulfill a charge designated by the Council. Committees in this category include:
- Section 3 – External Committees
- An external committee is one that is created by a group other than the Council to which one or more Council members are appointed.
- Delegates appointed to external committees must be current Council members or ex officio members of the Council in accordance with Article III Section 2. Appointments will be reviewed annually.
- Each external committee member is responsible to the Council and is obligated to submit a report of the committee’s activities to the Council for quarterly Council meetings.
ARTICLE IX – Elections
- Section 1
- Elections for any office shall be by secret ballot. A majority (50% + 1) of eligible votes must be cast to constitute a valid election. A majority of votes cast shall decide an election. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the ballot and re-balloting shall occur. This process shall be repeated as necessary until one (1) candidate receives a majority of the votes.
- Section 2
- Elections for officers for the following term shall occur no later than the end of the last regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year.
- Section 3
- An election to fill a mid-term vacancy in the office of Chair Elect or Operations Officer shall be held no later than the first meeting of the Council following the date the office is vacated.
- Section 4
- The Chair may cast one (1) vote in elections.
- Section 5
- An Ex Officio member shall not vote in elections.
ARTICLE X – Meetings
- Section 1 – Meeting Notification
- Prior to June of each year the Chair Elect, in consultation with the Council, shall schedule at least four (4) regular meetings of the Council. One meeting should be scheduled for each quarter of the following academic year. Meetings will be hosted by participating locations on a rotating basis.
- Prior to each meeting all members shall receive notification of the meeting, an agenda, and related materials from the Chair.
- Section 2
- The Chair may call special meetings of the Council when the urgency of an issue dictates action prior to the next regular meeting.
- Section 3
- In the case of abrogation of duties by or simultaneous resignation of the Chair and Chair Elect, the Council may convene itself by assent of two-thirds (2⁄3) of the Council members. The only action that may be taken at such a meeting shall be the removal of officers and/or election of new officers.
ARTICLE XI – Parliamentary Authority
“Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and insofar as they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
ARTICLE XII – Amendments to Bylaws
- Section 1
- Any Council member or affiliate group may submit a proposed amendment to these Bylaws to the Chair, which will trigger a bylaws review.
- Section 2
- These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2⁄3) vote of the voting members of the Council, provided a copy of the amendment shall have been sent to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the vote.
ARTICLE XIII – Resolutions and Petitions
All resolutions and petitions issued in the name of the Council shall be presented to the Council at a general meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose of considering the issue. Resolutions and petitions shall be approved by a majority of the Council members present at any meeting.
Approved: July 18, 1975
As amended: June 24, 1977
As amended: April 30, 1981
As amended: November 12, 1981
As amended: February 3, 1983
As amended: April 5, 1984
As amended: December 1984
As amended: March 1985
As amended: December 1986
As amended: June 1989
As amended: June 1991
As amended: September 1992
As amended: March 1993
As amended: April 27, 1998
As amended: June 5, 2003
As amended: May 27, 2005
As amended: April 28, 2006
As amended: June 6, 2007
As amended: December 4, 2008
As amended: December 4, 2013
As amended: September 28, 2016
As amended: May 10, 2021
As amended: June 3, 2022
As amended: April 7, 2023
As amended: April 5, 2024