Become a Member of CUCSA
Serving as a delegate to the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) can be a rewarding and exciting experience! In support of the mission of the University of California, the purpose of the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) is to maintain and enhance communication within the University Community on matters of interest to staff employees in accordance with California laws and Regent policy. CUCSA is mostly easily thought of as the UC wide version of your local campus Staff Assembly. More information on how to become a member of CUCSA can be found in the following documents.
Connect to CUCSA Social Media
Throughout the year, CUCSA provides updates through its different social media platforms. An official list can be found below.
Check out CUCSA Corner
CUCSA Corner is our newsletter which provides updates on local and systemwide Staff Assembly activities. To view previous issues and subscribe, please click here.
Join Your Local Staff Assembly or Staff Association
Participating on a local level is a great way to get involved. Below are the links to the staff assembly or association on each campus.