Greta Carl-Halle

Communications Director, CUCSA 2024

Second Year Delegate, UC Santa Barbara 2023

CUCSA Chair, 2015-16

Job Title: Business Officer
UC Service: 30 years
Pronouns: she/her


Greta Carl-Halle is the Second-Year delegate from UC Santa Barbara. She is the co-chair of UCSB’s Staff Assembly. Greta is also a member of UCSB’s Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women, the Gaucho Mentor Connection and a founding member of the Staff Engagement Workgroup. She is also a past CUCSA chair.

Greta is the Business Officer for the Computer Science Department at UCSB. She has held staff positions on campus since moving to Santa Barbara from Pennsylvania for her bachelor’s degree, working her way up from a student worker to her current manager position.