Jeremy Brooks
Second Year Delegate, UC Berkeley 2022
First Year Delegate, UC Berkeley 2021
Job Title: Assistant Director, UC Berkeley Career Center
UC Service: 4 years
Pronouns: he/him/his
Hello wonderful person! I’m Jeremy Brooks and I currently serve as the Sr. CUCSA Delegate for UC Berkeley. In my full time role I serve as an Assistant Director at the UC Berkeley Career Center where I focus on developing Social Impact career programming for students, campus partners, and employers. Through developing relationships with campus staff and listening to their stories, I realized I want to do more to advocate for the well-being of UC staff. Many UC staff are more than willing to support others, but aren’t always taking steps towards their own professional development. I am working to increase opportunities for community, professional development, and information sharing for UC staff. I look forward to working with CUCSA to focus on specific issues to help staff needs.