Throughout the year CUCSA leadership and delegates work diligently to maintain and enhance communication within the University Community on matters of interest to staff employees in accordance with California laws and Regent policy. If you want to keep up with CUCSA’s latest developments, we offer the following materials for you to review.

You may also choose to keep up with the latest on CUCSA and staff Issues via Facebook.

Annual Chair Report to the Regents

The outgoing CUCSA chair presents their annual report to the Regents at the July meeting. A video recording is available of the 2023-24 chair update. Here’s the slide deck used for the chair report.

Campus Updates

CUCSA delegates are asked to present updates from their campus at each quarterly meeting. Updates for the current year will be linked here when available:

September 2024
December 2024
March 2025
June 2025

Workgroup Reports

Each year, CUCSA delegates are assigned to a group to work on a topic or issue of importance to staff systemwide. These topics range from internal CUCSA operations to staff and staff dependent educational benefits. Summaries of these reports are then shared in the Annual Chair Report to the Regents. Learn more about the CUCSA workgroup reports by clicking here.

Staff Engagement Survey

Beginning in 2012-13, and every two years thereafter, CUCSA and the Office of the President have sponsored a sampling survey of non-represented staff members across the UC System. The survey process is managed by an impartial external vendor. Each leadership team in the system is encouraged to review the data for their location with members of their local Staff Assembly, communicate results with their community, and lay out a plan to affect positive change.

The contract with the previous vendor has ended, and the Office of the President is working to sign a new contract. A request for proposals is out, and CUCSA has appointed four current and former members to different committees that will be contributing to the design for new surveys:

  • Benefits Survey: Amy Fujitani, UCI, CUCSA Delegate
  • Engagement Survey: Crystal Petrini, UCR, CUCSA Alum
  • Exit Survey: Lou Gill, UCI, CUCSA Alum
  • Total Remuneration Study: Desiree Hennon, UCSD, CUCSA Delegate

We look forward to the progress these committees will make in the new year, and the important impact their work will mean for policy-covered staff across the system.

Stay Informed

The CUCSA delegation meets quarterly for 2 1/2 days to share organizational best practices, communicate and collaborate on issues of concern for UC Staff. Summaries of meeting minutes can be found here.