Publication Title | Journal | Author(s) | Publication Date | URL | Citation |
A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Domestic Investment | Review of Economic Studies | Pablo Fajgelbaum, Gene M. Grossman, Elhanan Helpman | September 2014 | | Pablo Fajgelbaum, Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman, “A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Domestic Investment,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 82, No. 1 (September 2014), pp. 83-121 |
A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration | Journal of Political Economy | Ran Abramitzky, Leah Platt Boustan, Katherine Eriksson | June 2014 | | Ran Abramitzky, Leah Platt Boustan and Katherine Eriksson, "A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 122, No. 3 (June 2014), pp. 467-506 |
Agency Models with Frequent Actions | Econometrica | Tomasz Sadzik, Ennio Stacchetti | January 2015 | | Tomasz Sadzik and Ennio Stacchetti, “Agency Models with Frequent Actions,” Econometrica, Vol. 83, No. 1 (January 2015, pp.193-237 |
Asset Pricing and Asymmetric Reasoning | Journal of Political Economy | Elena Asparouhova, Peter Bossaerts, Jon Eguia, William Zame | February 2015 | | Elena Asparouhova, Peter Bossaerts, Jon Eguia, and William Zame, "Asset Pricing and Asymmetric Reasoning," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 123, No. 1 (February 2015), pp. 66-122. |
Asymptotic Efficiency of Semiparametric Two-step GMM | Review of Economic Studies | Daniel Ackerberg, Xiaohong Chen, Jinyong Hahn, Zhipeng Liao | April 2014 | | Daniel Ackerberg, Xiaohong Chen, Jinyong Hahn and Zhipeng Liao, “Asymptotic Efficiency of Semiparametric Two-step GMM,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 81, No. 3 (April 2014), pp. 919-943 |
Demand Reduction and Inefficiency in Multi-Unit Auctions | Review of Economic Studies | Lawrence M. Ausubel, Peter Cramton, Marek Pycia, Marzena Rostek, Marek Weretka | July 2014 | | Lawrence M. Ausubel, Peter Cramton, Marek Pycia, Marzena Rostek and Marek Weretka, “Demand Reduction and Inefficiency in Multi-Unit Auctions,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 81, No. 4 (July2014), pp. 1366-1400 |
Endogenous Liquidity and the Business Cycle | American Economic Review | Saki Bigio | June 2015 | | Saki Bigio, “Endogenous Liquidity and the Business Cycle,” American Economic Review, Vol. 105, No. 6, (June 2015), pp. 1889-1927 |
Entry and Exit in OTC derivative markets | Econometrica | Andrew G. Atkeson, Andrea L. Eisfeldt, Pierre-Olivier Weill | November 2015 | | Andrew G. Atkeson, Andrea L. Eisfeldt, and Pierre-Olivier Weill, “Entry and Exit in OTC derivative markets,” Economtrica, Vol. 83, No. 6 (November 2015), pp. 2231-2292 |
Equilibrium Pricing and Volume under Preference Uncertainty | Review of Economic Studies | Bruno Biais, Johan Hombert, Pierre-Olivier Weill | May 2014 | | Bruno Biais, Johan Hombert and Pierre-Olivier Weill, “Equilibrium Pricing and Volume under Preference Uncertainty,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 81, No. 4 (May 2014), pp. 1401-1437 |
Estimates of the Size and Source of Price Declines Due to Nearby Foreclosures | American Economic Review | Elliot Anenberg, Edward Kung | August 2014 | | Elliot Anenberg and Edward Kung, "Estimates of the Size and Source of Price Declines Due to Nearby Foreclosures," American Economic Review, Vol. 104, No. 8 (August 2014), pp. 2527-2551 |
Estimation of Nonparametric Models with Simultaneity (lead article) | Econometrica | Rosa Matzkin | January 2015 | | Rosa Matzkin, “Estimation of Nonparametric Models with Simultaneity,” Econometrica, Vol. 83, No. 1, (January 2015), pp. 1-66 |
Information, Misallocation and Aggregate Productivity | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Joel M. David, Hugo A. Hopenhayn, Venky Venkateswaran | February 2016 | | Joel M. David, Hugo A. Hopenhayn, and Venky Venkateswaran, “Information, Misallocation and Aggregate Productivity,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 131, No. 2 (February 2016), pp. 943-1005 |
IV Quantile Regression for Group-Level Treatments | Econometrica | Denis Chetverikov, Bradley Larsen, Christopher Palmer | March 2016 | | Denis Chetverikov, Bradley Larsen, and Christopher Palmer, “IV Quantile Regression for Group-Level Treatments, With an Application to the Distrobutional Effects of Trade,” Econometrica, Vol. 84, No. 2 (March 2016), pp. 809-833 |
Measuring the Unequal Gains From Trade | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, Amit K. Khandelwal | March 2016 | | Pablo D. Fajgelbaum and Amit K. Khandelwal, “Measuring the Unequal Gains From Trade,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 131, No. 3 (March 2016), pp. 1113-1180 |
Necessity Is the Mother of Invention: Input Supplies and Directed Technical Change | Econometrica | Walker Hanlon | January 2015 | | Walker Hanlon, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Input Supplies and Directed Technical Change,” Econometrica, Vol. 83, No. 1 (January 2015), pp. 67-100 |
Optimal regulation in the presence of reputation concerns | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Andrew Atkeson, Christian Hellwig, Guillermo Ordoñez | November 2015 | | Andrew Atkeson, Christian Hellwig and Guillermo Ordoñez, “Optimal regulation in the Presence of Reputation Concerns,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 130, No. 1 (November 2014), pp. 415-464 |
Outside options and the Failure of Coase Conjecture | American Economic Review | Simon Board, Marek Pycia | February 2014 | | Simon Board and Marek Pycia, "Outside Options and the Failure of the Coase Conjecture," American Economic Review, Vol. 104, No. 2, (February 2014), pp. 656-71. |
Patent Rights and Innovation Disclosure | Review of Economic Studies | Hugo A. Hopenhayn, Francesco Squintani | July 2015 | | Hugo A. Hopenhayn and Francesco Squintani, “Patent Rights and Innovation Disclosure,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 83, No. 1 (July 2015), pp. 199-230 |
Relational Contracts in Competitive Labor Markets | Review of Economic Studies | Simon Board, Moritz Meyer-Ter-Vehn | October 2015 | | Simon Board and Moritz Meyer-Ter-Vehn, “Relational Contracts in Competitive Labor Markets,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 82, No. 2 (October 2014), pp. 460-534 |
Residential Location, Work Location, and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Israel | Econometrica | Moshe Buchinsky, Chemi Gotlibovski, Osnat Lifshitz | May 2014 | | Residential Location, Work Location, and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Israel |
Revenue Management with Forward-Looking Buyers | Journal of Political Economy | Simon Board, Andy Skrzypacz | August 2016 | | Simon Board and Andy Skrzypacz , "Revenue Management with Forward-Looking Buyers," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 124, No. 4 (August 2016), pp. 1046-1087 |
The Long Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families | American Economic Review | Anna Aizer, Shari Eli, Joseph Ferrie, Adriana Lleras-Muney | April 2016 | | Adriana Lleras-Muney, Anna Aizer, Shari Eli AND Joseph Ferrie, “The Long-Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families,” American Economic Review, Vol. 106, No. 4 (April 2016), pp. 935-971 |
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