Strategic Plan – Goals – Goal 3

CUCSA Strategic Plan Goal 3

Goal 3: Strengthen partnerships to increase influence and inclusion


As an organization that relies on coordination, collaboration, and influence, partnerships are essential to CUCSA’s ability to serve as a well-informed advocate and affect policy and decision-making. By recognizing the needs of its stakeholders and delivering value to them, CUCSA can make itself a stronger and more trusted partner. This will enhance timely and honest communication, provide greater access to a range of viewpoints and inputs, and improve inclusion in the decision-making process. This creates a virtuous cycle through which partners derive greater value from their work with CUCSA and are motivated to further include CUCSA in their work.


  1. Improve collaboration with local staff assemblies
  2. Increase access to and influence with local leadership
  3. Improve transparency and coordination with UC Systemwide HR partners
  4. Strengthen long-term engagement with and better leverage alumni
  5. Leverage existing UC infrastructure, such as UCOP State Governmental Relations, to coordinate and align efforts related to governmental advocacy


  • Number of interactions aggregated by partner group
  • Number of attendees at interactions
  • Number of collaborative partnerships
  • Quality of interactions with partners (delegate feedback surveys)
  • Number of interactions between local Staff Assemblies and local leadership
  • Frequency of budget updates
  • Time/effort required to authorize new expenses

Suggested Strategies

  • Raise awareness of CUCSA activities and opportunities for partnership
  • Provide useful reference materials about CUCSA identity and activities, including improvements to website and newsletter to serve as a better reference to local staff assemblies
  • Create forums for cross-pollination of best practices among local staff assemblies
  • Create opportunities for CUCSA engagement/volunteering for local non-delegate volunteers
  • Establish operating partnership norms with new UC systemwide HR partners
  • Reestablish annual or biannual HR-provided CUCSA budget briefings for the delegation
  • Include one CUCSA alumnus as a participating member of each workgroup