Strategic Plan – Goals

Strategic Plan Structure

How the Plan Is Structured

The plan consists of three top-level goals that have been established as priorities that will help mature and advance CUCSA through 2028. Each goal has the following associated components to support its development:

  • Vision – An explanation of how the goal is to be interpreted, why it is important, and how it will benefit CUCSA.
  • Objectives – Specific outcomes that can be pursued to support the top-level goal that they are affiliated with.
  • Measures – Potential ways of quantifying progress towards outcome and goal achievement. They are suggestions, since the practicality of specific measures will depend upon a range of environmental factors including current processes, tools, and personnel. Leadership is encouraged to determine which measures are most applicable and implementable for the current year’s efforts, including exploring ideas not listed in this document.
  • Suggested Strategies – Examples of actionable initiatives that could support their associated objectives and goal. Leadership is encouraged to consider which are best suited to the current environment, including exploring ideas not listed in this document.