The Outstanding Board Member Award

Established in 2023, the CUCSA Outstanding Board Member Award recognizes an outstanding local Staff Assembly Executive Board member for outstanding service. 

2023-24 Awardee

Kelvin Huang, UC San Diego

Selection Process

Individuals are nominated by CUCSA delegates and a vote on submitted nominees is held at the March CUCSA meeting.

Eligibility: Staff members who hold positions designated as non-represented by a collective bargaining unit and non-faculty. Must serve on an Executive Board for a local Staff Assembly and cannot be a current CUCSA delegation member.

The categories that are taken into consideration for the Outstanding Staff Award are:

  • Support of Staff – Examples include: volunteering for staff events, organizing staff, providing for staff needs that are otherwise unmet by your campus.
  • Communication with Staff – Examples could include:  town halls, brown bag lunches, emails to the campus, etc.
  • Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Community – Examples include:  participating in specific events or forums to support equity, diversity, and campus community building programs
  • Support of Local Staff Assembly – Examples could include:  volunteering with Staff Assembly, leadership roles in staff organizations.
  • Support of System wide initiatives that affect staff – Examples include: System wide committee service, Multi campus initiatives
  • Other – For example, volunteerism in the local community.

Previous Awardees:

Claire-Marie Kooi, UC Berkeley