Strategic Plan

CUCSA Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Executive Summary

At the outset of the 2022-23 academic year, Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) leadership determined that it was time for a refresh of CUCSA’s strategic plan. The prior strategic plan had expired in 2020, and in the wake of a pandemic some things, such as CUCSA’s quarterly in-person meetings, were just returning to normalcy while other things, like expectations about work time and place flexibility, had changed permanently. This marked an opportunity for CUCSA to reestablish its identity and maximize its ability to have impact in this new environment.

Over the course of the year, a workgroup spent extensive time communicating with CUCSA delegates, alumni, and partners to understand the opportunities and challenges before the organization. This was followed by a period of assessment, drafting, reviews, and revision.

The outcomes of the strategic planning process are the following goals that will chart a path to CUCSA’s maturation and increased effectiveness:

While CUCSA’s primary function is to represent and provide advocacy on the behalf of UC staff at systemwide scale, these goals focus on CUCSA’s identity, role, and behaviors rather than any particular issue of interest. Advocacy topics and priorities will inherently change as time passes and issues arise, but these goals are intended to increase CUCSA’s effectiveness regardless of the topics of the day.

This strategic plan includes details about each goal – vision, objectives, measures, and strategies – as well as an implementation plan that will help CUCSA’s delegation to understand and execute it. Successful implementation of the plan will ensure that CUCSA remains a valued contributor to the UC system and a champion for the staff experience.