Strategic Plan – Implementation

Strategic Plan Implementation

Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation Plan

Successful implementation of the strategic plan will require dedicated effort over the five years of its intended duration. During this time, CUCSA will need to establish corresponding annual tactics, measure progress, assess opportunities and risks, and even assess whether the plan itself remains effective and relevant.

CUCSA is advised to establish annual and quarterly processes as described below to help maintain focus and accountability for implementation of the plan.

Annual Assessment and Planning as Part of the Summer Transition

Each summer, outgoing and incoming CUCSA leadership should include the strategic plan as part of their leadership transition. As a group, they should fill out the Assessment Questionnaire.

With the results of the Annual Assessment Questionnaire in hand, the next year’s leadership should take the following steps:

  1. Identify three to five tactics that can advance the strategic plan over the coming year.
  2. For each, identify related measures and desired targets.
  3. Assign responsibility for each tactic to a “Tactic Lead”
    • A tactic lead is a designee who could be a CUCSA leader, individual member, a workgroup, etc. As long as the designee is appropriately positioned to carry out the tactic.
  4. Tactic Leads and CUCSA Leadership work together to identify relevant and practical measures for each tactic.
  5. Establish a year-end target for each measure.

Each Tactic Lead should begin planning and execution for their tactic and implement it over the course of the year. Tactic Leads are encouraged to meet with each other and the IO workgroup quarterly to coordinate, discuss progress, and strategize.

If it was found in the Annual Assessment Questionnaire that part of the strategic plan is no longer relevant, work should begin to revise it. Depending on the scope of the necessary revision, this could become a tactic in itself and assigned out for development over the course of the year, as described above.

Implementation and Monitoring

Progress on Strategic Goal tactics should be monitored during the year to encourage ongoing attention and accountability. The Internal Operations workgroup should coordinate with Tactic Leads to maintain a ledger with current tactic status and to provide updates to stakeholders on the following schedule.

(recommended at Fall and Spring quarterly meetings)
Past Chairs CouncilSemi-annually
(recommended in Summer and Winter)
Local Staff AssembliesAnnually
Other audiencesAs desired / appropriate

Updates should include both progress on the year’s tactics and any other efforts that are advancing the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Plan Refresh Cycle

This strategic plan is designed to take effect in 2023 – 2028. In the 2027-28 year, the delegation should establish a working group to draft a new plan to succeed it. This process can be initiated earlier if the annual assessment reveals that the plan has significantly fallen out of alignment with the needs, goals, and/or environment of CUCSA and its partners.